Creating visibility for yourself is important, but it is equally important for you to do that on behalf of your team.
Give them opportunities to show their value and make a name for themselves. It will help them to prepare for future roles and build their confidence. Set an intention that you will do this for them just as much as you do it for yourself.
John, who is one of my clients, wanted to ensure he was giving his team visibility on a consistent basis. We talked about different approaches where he could incorporate this intention into his current work practices. One of the consistent things he does each week is on Monday morning when he plans out his week and his visibility. He reviews what visibility actions he will take, sends meeting invites to people that he wants to connect with and identifies what he needs to prepare for upcoming meetings. He decided to include team visibility as a planning item for his Monday morning review each week.
He reviews his team’s latest status reports and their top development plan focus areas. He makes sure that he has one on ones and project check in meetings scheduled with them. Next, he determines what is happening in the next few weeks that would give them exposure so he can include them and the opportunities that he would have to share the good things they are doing with others.
You may think that you don’t have time to do the type of review that John is doing, but this doesn’t take as much time as you think. You can divide up your staff members and focus on each group one week a month. This is about the intention that you have to focus on them as well as yourself. Imagine how you would feel as an employee knowing that your manager was thinking about you and your development in this way.
This is what creates strong engagement between you and your team. It helps them get the visibility that they deserve, and they will learn from your example.
How are you doing at creating visibility for yourself and your team? What actions could you take to increase it? If you want to set up some time to chat about your specific situation! Here is the link: Let’s Chat!