When you have tried to do something repeatedly and it doesn’t work, then you have to shift gears and try a different approach.
Sam was faced with this challenge in his role as a program lead supporting his executive leader. Although he is a director, he has the responsibility for getting many VPs to deliver what is needed for the program. He understands that they are busy, but he feels like he is constantly trying to track them down to get their information.
I asked him to think about other options he could take instead of constantly following up to get what he needed? What could he do proactively to solve this issue? How could he make this process easier for the leaders he works with and help himself at the same time? He identified some ideas that he could experiment with to see what worked. We also talked about the importance of adding value, especially in a role that gets a lot of exposure to senior leadership, he can show his value by taking some of these ideas and executing them.
How would you handle a situation like the one Sam has and try a new approach? Look at the challenges that you are facing from a new perspective to see if you can come up with a new approach.
You can always find a way to increase your personal brand, add value and build influential relationships no matter what level you are at.
Are you finding ways to add value to your organization? There are so many proactive things that you can do that will make a difference and help others see the value you provide!