Look at the choices that you make every day.
Are you focused on doing the easy things that keep you in the background or the harder things that could put you into the spotlight? This isn’t always a conscious thought, but more than likely the easy things are what you already know and would be considered the safer choices.
The harder choices are what can help you be more visible and give you more career options. They are scarier to do and will require you to put yourself out there, but what if you did them well? What if people saw you in a new way because you tried doing them? Focus on doing something that pushes you out of your comfort zone and it could provide so many more opportunities for you.
Take a look at your choices and before you automatically choose, ask yourself if your valuable time should be spent on that choice.
Is it going to bring you visibility? Will it make a difference in how others see you or not? Don’t hold yourself back from bigger things without at least considering what your options are. You always have the choice and choosing the option that scares you more, may just benefit you in ways you can’t even imagine!