It is important to celebrate the wins that my clients have as they increase their confidence and become It is important to celebrate the wins that my clients have as they increase their confidence and become more visible. They can’t always see how far they have come, so I like to spend some time reviewing their progress with them.
Have you reflected on how far you have come in your own visibility journey?
Think about where you started and where you are now. Have you been bolder and taken bigger actions? Have others responded to you in ways that are different? Do you feel more confident in what you are doing?
I try to look back on my own journey periodically and look at my own progress. Writing a book, starting a podcast, leading conversations with my clients in a bolder way, and trusting myself are some of the wins that I have been celebrating so far this year. Those things all seemed to be impossible when I first started my own journey six years ago.
I hope you can see that it is possible for you too. Even if you struggle some days, just keep moving forward. Take one action today to share the value that you bring so people can see you and what you can do! Celebrate the wins even if they are small. All of those small actions add up over time.