It’s time to check in on the perception of your personal brand.
What perception do you think that you have and is it the one that you want? Your personal brand is judged by people each and every day, usually in the first few seconds. As soon as they meet you they are looking at your appearance, listening to what you say and also how you say things. Their brain automatically creates a perception as they measure you against an ideal that they have in their head.
What do you want your brand to be? You have to decide if your brand is showing up the way that you want it to or not. Your credibility and reputation are at stake. We have all seen someone who was at the top of their game and they make one wrong move and everything changes. Their credibility is damaged and it will take time for it to recover.
Define what you want your personal brand to be and begin “being” that person. When you speak to others use language that shows confidence and that you value yourself. Leave out words that minimize or devalue you and your work. Speaking in a way that is more passive is a habit that you can change by being aware of what you are doing. It is as simple as that.
If there are things in your brand that aren’t where you want them to be, then ask for help to improve them.
I have seen people change their perceptions, but intentional actions and consistency are necessary for others to see it as “your new brand” and believe it. What is your personal brand saying about you?
If you need my support to help you navigate the overwhelm and get you focused on the right things, just reach out. Sometimes it just takes a single conversation to help you see what you may be missing and get you on the right track!