One year ago today I launched The Visibility Factor book out into the world!
I thought you might like a peek behind the curtain at what that day was like for me! It was like giving birth to a child (without having to go to the hospital, the pain, having a crying infant, and the getting no sleep part) where everyone was excited that this “baby” called The Visibility Factor had been born! It was a celebration that included, phone calls, flower deliveries, well wishers sending great messages on social media, and gifts from people who knew what went into the process of getting this book out into the world.
There was so much about writing and publishing a book that I didn’t know before joining my book group. As they say, “you don’t know what you don’t know.” I had written over 800 blogs, so I thought what is the big deal, it is just a few more words to write a book. I was wrong. Writing this book changed everything about how I write now with stories and ideas that will be impactful for people but also be more vulnerable. The simple version of how I thought it worked was that you write the book, publish it and then people would just buy it! Sounds easy right? The reality is that so much more goes into it than that.
I am lucky enough to see many authors in my book group write and publish their books. I learned from them that the day a book is published is just the first day of a marathon to get the book in front of as many people as possible. It was a race that I had been training for and was about to start running (okay maybe jogging, my running days are in the past!) I had the responsibility of helping to introduce this new book out into the world so people would know about it!
Since that day I have guested on podcasts, spoken at companies, launched the audiobook, started a podcast, created a panel of authors talking about visibility, taught a master class on visibility, met with librarians to get the book in circulation (getting into libraries is my dream!) and sent the book out to people who supported me throughout the writing process. With the help of my coach, I created the mission of starting a “visibility movement to help leaders show their value and be seen for their true talent.” That is a big mission and it means that I need to do everything that I can to get the message out!
I have some of the most amazingly supportive people that I am so grateful for to help me get in front of more people.
The readers that I have met who said, “I carry your book in my backpack” and the many stories of leaders who have increased their visibility from what they have learned in the book have been so amazing to hear. These leaders are the reason that I wrote the book. I wanted to ensure that no leader had to be invisible anymore. It is the book that I wish I had when I didn’t know how to be visible! This guide that I created is helping leaders show their value in their own authentic way. They are seeing their confidence grow and that people see them as the leaders that they want to be!
Last but not least, I wanted to thank you! You have read my blogs and posts, read the book, or listened to the audiobook. I had never written a blog before I started my business and your encouragement and feedback on what I had written was a major part of what went into the book too! I am so grateful to you! Thank you for being a part of this author journey with me.
If you would like to help get the message out with me, there are a couple of easy things that you can do:
- I invite you to share the book, or the podcast! If you feel like they have helped you, I would be so grateful if you left a review! Getting to 100 reviews is one of the ways that online providers put the book/podcast in front of more people!
- I would be honored if you requested that your local library carry the book! There are usually request forms online or at the front desk of a library. This would help put the book in the hands of anyone who can’t afford to buy the book, but wants to become visible in a bigger way in their lives and career!
- If you know of any groups (employee resource groups, industry groups, teams, or companies) that are looking for a speaker on visibility, impostor syndrome, and other leadership topics, please feel free to share my name and contact information with them!