How to Create Visibility Through Influence!

Are You a Good Influencer ?

Influencing is a subtle way of getting someone to do what you want vs. forcing them to do it. It isn’t a bad thing. It can be a very effective tool to use. Influencing people helps you proactively move things forward that may be stuck. However, it is important to build relationships with people who can help you in advance, not just when you need them to support you.

Characteristics of a Good Influencer

People who are successful in organizations are good influencers. There are certain characteristics that can help you be successful in this area:

  • Trust – you need to be someone who gives trust in relationships, which will encourage others to trust you. Once you have that foundation in place there is a better opportunity to leverage that trust to influence others.
  • Credibility – do you have credibility and knowledge in certain areas?  When you are trying to influence others, they will be more open to your suggestions and ideas if they are comfortable that you know what you are talking about.
  • Consistency – do you follow through on things? Do you make decisions that you stick with or do you tend to flip flop? If people align with you on your outcome, then they want to be comfortable that you won’t change your mind.
  • Vision – do you know what you want your final outcome to be? Can you address whatever objections that you may get from those that you are going to be influencing? Can you explain why they should be on board with your plan?

Building Key Relationships

Remember when you want to set up a conversation with someone, they have to see a reason to meet with you. What value can you share with them that will help them succeed? Look for ways to bring your value into conversations so they can see who you are and what you can do. Building these key relationships is not only an opportunity to help you resolve issues, but for you to get to know these leaders and for them to learn more about you.

People see the value that you bring which builds trust and they come to rely on your delivery of outcomes and decisions. They can also support your point of view in meetings when you aren’t there and share feedback with others about their experience of working with you. Building these influential relationships adds to your personal brand bank account. They now know, like and trust you.

What is Important to Consider in an Influencing Conversation?

You could leverage logic, emotion or collaboration to influence the discussion. Be strategic and think about what you know about them. What is happening in this person’s function right now, what is important to them and what do they value? You are trying to figure out how you can share information in a way that they can hear it and creates a win/win outcome for both of you.

Present the full picture of pros/cons, cost, benefits and why you feel it is beneficial for them to align with you. Use examples in their language and not your own. For example, if you are in IT and meeting with someone from supply chain, talk about the business impact of this issue to the supply chain, not the technical explanation of it.

What Does it Do for Your Visibility?

To have success in an organization, these influencing relationships are critical. Your credibility and confidence increases as you meet with more people. You help them and they will in turn help you. Every interaction that you have is an opportunity for you to show your value and build your own visibility!

👋 Hi! I’m Susan M. Barber!

💜 My mission is to broaden the understanding of what visibility means and enables for business leaders. ⭐ I work with leaders who want to break free from their limiting beliefs, shift the narrative they have about themselves, and help them to amplify their voices so they can have what they want in their life and career!

📘 Check out my book The Visibility Factor! You can find it online in Paperback, e-book or Audiobook!

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