How Can You Make a Difference for Others (and Yourself!)

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats
The Iowa Women’s NCAA College Basketball team just took one step closer to the National Championship last night. It wasn’t a given that they would win especially when the first half didn’t go as well as they had hoped.

I don’t know what the Iowa team discussed at half time, but they came out of the locker room looking like a different team. They didn’t give up, they kept fighting for every point. They were focused, driven and although it wasn’t a perfect half, they won the game by two points. Such a good game to watch!

I am a big believer that each person has an opportunity to show up and help others rise. What is happening with Caitlyn, her team and players from other teams is that they are lifting up each other and the game of women’s basketball to another level.

Record crowds are showing up and selling out arenas in numbers that women’s basketball hasn’t seen before. More people are watching on television and exceeding the viewership of many other high profile sporting events. The impact of what is being called “the Caitlyn Clark effect” will have a ripple effect for years to come on income parity, recruiting players/coaches, merchandising, sponsor opportunities, etc.

What is great to see though is how many little girls are being inspired by all of these players. They are seeing what is possible for them to someday be players themselves. Caitlyn has a natural gift but she also put in the time and training to get this good. She consistently points out what the team has done and gives credit to them. She has broken so many school and collegiate records this year. She is a strong competitor, confident, articulate and a born leader on and off the court.

There is a famous quote that says, a rising tide lifts all boats. In this case, Caitlyn is the tide that is raising up the women playing today and in the future. Is there an opportunity for you to raise other leaders up in your organization? Could you share more of their successes along with your own? This type of partnership to lift everyone up ensures a lot of visibility to help everyone win.

👋 Hi! I’m Susan M. Barber!

💜 My mission is to broaden the understanding of what visibility means and enables for business leaders. ⭐ I work with leaders who want to break free from their limiting beliefs, shift the narrative they have about themselves, and help them to amplify their voices so they can have what they want in their life and career!

📘 Check out my book The Visibility Factor! You can find it online in Paperback, e-book or Audiobook!

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