Networking Unlocks New Opportunities

Does the word networking have a negative connotation for you? 

For me, it triggered me a bit. It was like that uncomfortable feeling on the first day of school. Do you remember that moment? You walk into the classroom, without knowing anyone yet and you must find ways to make friends. I don’t know if it was any easier back then, but we all figured it out somehow.

Networking from a place of scarcity.

Connecting with new people was still uncomfortable for me as an adult. Below are some of the thoughts that used to go through my head when I thought about networking. Do any of these examples resonate for you?

  • What do I say to this person that I don’t know?
  • Are they going to judge me?
  • How can I appear confident?
  • How do I fill the dreaded silence that will inevitably happen?
  • What are some questions that I can ask so that I won’t sound dumb?

These limiting beliefs were true for me at that time. I can see now that those thoughts were coming from a place of scarcity and fear. I didn’t have the confidence or trust in myself that I had something to offer. I wasn’t seeing my value and therefore believed that I had nothing to offer to someone else. That is no longer true for me, but to get there I had to shift my thinking.

Shifting the concept of networking to see the positive perspective.

Here are some ways to help you do that:

  • Swap out the word “networking” and replace it with “having a conversation.”
  • Assume that every person is excited to talk to you.
  • Trust that you have something valuable to share with the person you meet.
  • Ask yourself what can I learn in this conversation that would help me in some way?
  • How can I offer to help them in some way and build a new relationship that will help me too?

We all have value. The acceptance of that statement as fact may not come naturally at first. What if you believed that you had strengths, experiences and gifts that are needed by others and must be shared? What could be possible then? Would it help you see that the conversations you have could make an impact for others and for you?

Networking can make a big difference for you.

I have met people through networking that have become very good friends to me. We share ideas and help each other when we have challenges. Others that I have networked with have become some of my biggest supporters and clients. My clients have networked to get new roles and, in some cases, had a single conversation that helped them get referred for something new.

Be open to these conversations and see yourself as an equal in the conversation. Networking to achieve success in your career is necessary and can bring you the new opportunities that you are looking for. I shared some of the reasons and ways to network for visibility in an article last month, here is the link if you missed it!😀

👋 Hi! I’m Susan M. Barber!

💜 My mission is to broaden the understanding of what visibility means and enables for business leaders. ⭐ I work with leaders who want to break free from their limiting beliefs, shift the narrative they have about themselves, and help them to amplify their voices so they can have what they want in their life and career!

📘 Check out my book The Visibility Factor! You can find it online in Paperback, e-book or Audiobook!

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