Will You Choose To Be A Priority Or An Option?

Things have evolved over time and people are no longer staying at one company for many years. There are a few reasons why this is true. Changes in financial rewards such as receiving a pension don’t exist at many companies anymore, so people don’t have the incentive to stay. It also used to be viewed negatively if people job hopped too much, so they stayed even if they weren’t happy. However, these norms are shifting now and you will see…
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What Is Your Motivation For Putting Others First?

In yesterday’s post, I asked where you fall on the list of priorities that you have in your life? When you read that did you automatically think of a bunch of reasons in your head as to why you have to be at the bottom of the list instead of the top? Let’s explore what some of those may be and see if they are really true for you or just an old belief that should be changed: “I have…
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What Is At The Top Of Your Priority List?

Have you taken a look at your priority list lately? There are probably quite a few items that you have on it between your work and your home life. Look at your list closely, do you see yourself on that list anywhere? If you are like most people, the answer to that question is no. You may feel that it is implied because you are a part of what is listed there, but are any of them solely about you?…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 7/9/18

Monday Morning Leadership

Client Question: “I don’t feel like I can trust any of my peers at work. The environment is very political and unfortunately I can’t really seek advice from any of them.  What can I do differently to be able to manage this for myself?” When they talk about it being “lonely at the top” they are referring to just this type of situation.  Highly political environments are very competitive and people look for opportunities to take advantage of any weakness that…
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Friday Focus Video 7/6/2018 – Career Transition and Building a Team

  [/embedyt]     [recent_posts style=”14″ rows=”four” title = “In case you missed them, here is a recap of our latest blog posts!” text_excerpt=”” mode=”selectable_posts” posts_num=”” selectable_posts=”3471, 3461, 3456, 3431″ text_color=”undefined” hide_author=”” ][/recent_posts]         [feature_box style=”26″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” alignment=”left”] Powerful Leadership Mastermind Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level?  Are there challenges that you have that are causing you a lot of stress?  The power of a mastermind is there to help you move forward…
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Do You Look for the Differences in People?

Building a team that can work through challenges and be successful takes some thought and intention.  Here are some questions to ask yourself as you consider new team members: Do they have similar thoughts and experiences to yours? Do they have strengths that are complementary to yours? Do they agree with you no matter what opinions they have of their own? Do they have more experience than you do? Do you include the people who will disagree with you? Some people would look at…
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Are You Ready for Your Transition?

Transitions can be difficult as you move to another role. Coming into a new role there is an overwhelming feeling that there is so much to learn and accomplish. Being able to demonstrate success quickly requires intentional focus during the first 90 days.  An article on successful transitions by McKinsey showed that close to 50% of people may fail during their transition if they aren’t focusing on the right things.  Here are some areas highlighted by this article that you should review and…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 7/2/2018

Client Question: “I put on this persona with people that I have all the answers when I really don’t.  I guess I don’t want to show anyone that I have any weaknesses.  It is exhausting and I would like to show up differently.  How can I do that?” You have taken the first step which is to recognize that you are masking who you are with other people.  You have admitted that you don’t want to show any weaknesses.  Why is that? …
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Friday Focus Video 6/29/2018 – Where Is Your Focus?

  [/embedyt]     [recent_posts style=”14″ rows=”four” title = “In case you missed them, here is a recap of our latest blog posts!” text_excerpt=”” mode=”selectable_posts” posts_num=”” selectable_posts=”3443, 3437, 3431, 3418″ text_color=”undefined” hide_author=”” ][/recent_posts]       [feature_box style=”26″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” alignment=”left”] Powerful Leadership Mastermind Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level?  Are there challenges that you have that are causing you a lot of stress?  The power of a mastermind is there to help you move forward with…
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Can A Mindset Shift Make You Realize That Your Current Job Is Great?

Have you experienced job dissatisfaction?  I think we can safely say that it has happened for all of us at some point throughout our careers.  When this occurs, the natural thought process is that you should start to look for another role so you can be engaged again.  What if you could do that with your current role instead? Simon Sinek published an article on Getting a Better Job which suggests that a mindset change could make all the difference in how you view your…
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