What Happens When You Become a Leader?

Taking a more senior role in an organization is a big change to go through.  Even though you have all this new responsibility, you still basically feel like the same person.  What is interesting is that everyone around you may start to treat you differently.  They may become “yes” people and just tell you what they think you want to hear or make assumptions that you know more information than you do, simply because of your title. This happened to…
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Can You See Your Own Blind Spots?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and they pointed something out that you do and you had no idea?  It could be something small that is no big deal or it could be something that could hold you back from moving forward in your career.  These things are known as blind spots. Although this can happen to all leaders, this list may be especially true for new leaders who are still trying to get comfortable with leading a…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 4/16/18

Client Question: “I am busy from the moment I get up until I fall asleep at night.  I know that I am not taking good care of myself and not setting a good example for my kids or my team.  There is just so much to do and my manager told me that I need to slow down or I am going to burn out.” Unfortunately being busy has been seen as a good thing for so many especially in a…
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Friday Focus Video 4/13/2018 – Don’t Let The Fear Of Public Speaking Hold You Back

        [recent_posts style=”14″ rows=”four” title = “In case you missed them, here is a recap of our latest blog posts!” text_excerpt=”” mode=”selectable_posts” posts_num=”” selectable_posts=”3089, 3083, 3081, 3072″ text_color=”undefined” hide_author=”” ][/recent_posts]         [feature_box style=”26″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” alignment=”left”] Powerful Leadership Mastermind Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level?  Are there challenges that you have that are causing you a lot of stress?  The power of a mastermind is there to help you move forward…
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What Kind of Performance Will You Deliver Today?

Yesterday’s post talked about preparing for your big presentation.  That is the easy part though isn’t it?  The hard part (for many people) is actually delivering the presentation. Getting up in front of everyone and being the center of attention isn’t easy and creates a lot of anxiety for people.  There is a lot of pressure to do well and no one wants to face the possibility of failure.  Many people will do whatever they can to avoid speaking in front of audiences…
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Are You Presenting With Your Outcomes In Mind?

You have a big presentation to do and you need it to go well.  How can you plan to ensure that happens?  There are some key questions to answer that will help you get clear on what should be included before the big day arrives. What are 2-3 outcomes that you want people to walk away with after hearing you speak? What is the “story” you want to share with them? What style of presentation will help you get your…
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What Do You Need to Do to Handle a Difficult Conversation?

One of the most difficult conversations to have with someone is telling them that they are not doing well in their role. If they are not very self-aware and have been given different feedback prior to that it is even more challenging.  It is going to be a bit of a shock to them and they are going to be feeling very defensive.  The best thing that you can do is to be honest with them and discuss how they…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 4/9/18

Client Question: “I know networking is important, but I just don’t have the time.  How can I manage all that I have on my plate and do that effectively too?” Networking is very important to do, but try not to think of it as this big thing you have to focus a huge amount of time and effort on to do it well. Networking can also be about the small things that you do each day, week or month that helps…
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Friday Focus Video 4/6/2018 – Stop Feeling Stuck

  [recent_posts style=”14″ rows=”four” title = “In case you missed them, here is a recap of our latest blog posts!” text_excerpt=”” mode=”selectable_posts” posts_num=”” selectable_posts=”3056, 3045, 3051, 3049″ text_color=”undefined” hide_author=”” ][/recent_posts]   [feature_box style=”26″ only_advanced=”There%20are%20no%20title%20options%20for%20the%20choosen%20style” alignment=”center”] Powerful Leadership Mastermind Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level?  Are there challenges that you have that are causing you a lot of stress?  The power of a mastermind is there to help you move forward with the help and support of…
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How Will You Define Success For Yourself?

How much of what you think about yourself is tied to what others think about you?  Is your self-worth driven by your own internal views of what success looks like vs what others may think?  In a world of competition there are always constant comparisons that occur.  Which team is the best?  Who is driving the better car or has the better house?  Who has the better career title? Who makes more money?  It becomes really easy to fall into this trap…
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