
How Can We Stop Comparing Ourselves All The Time?

Comparing ourselves to others is something that everyone has done.  We all grew up being compared to each other in school, in sports and at home.  Statistics were tracked about grades, sports achievements and you may have felt like your parents were keeping track of what you had done vs your siblings.   Fast forward to becoming an adult and the comparison continues.  People are rated in companies on their performance and potential.  Employees are rated in comparison to their peers? …
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 2/20/17

Monday Morning Leadership

​I am going to start using the Monday blog to share questions that I have received or case studies.   My intent is to be able to help others who may be facing similar challenges.   Feel free to send me questions or situations that you are facing and I will include them in future blogs. Today’s question:  “My team works in various locations and in multiple time zones.  What is the best way to stay connected with them and provide the…
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What Does Integrity Look Like to You?

How do you know if a leader has integrity? A simple way of defining integrity is that they “consistently act with an internal moral compass that guides them and they do the right thing even if no one else is around.” What are the main characteristics that come to mind when you think about leaders that you have worked for who demonstrated integrity? Although this is not an exhaustive list, these are the 5 ways that leaders demonstrate integrity to…
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Do You Have an Ethical Dilemma?

​Can you proactively deal with ethical code of conduct issues?   Each employee at my company used to get a code of conduct book and we had to sign that we had reviewed and understood it.  It talked about the acceptable behavior that each employee was expected to follow.   We then moved to a computerized training that we could complete where different examples were reviewed and then we were quizzed on the right way to ethically handle the situation.  This training…
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Will You Choose What Is Right Or What Is Popular?

Integrity is one of the most important qualities that I respect in a leader.   It is defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.”   Why is it important?   To me it comes down to knowing that the person who is making decisions is doing it for the right reasons and you can trust them.  They are making decisions that are best for the company, not for themselves.  I have seen plenty of leaders over my career…
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I Know You Agree With Me. Right?

When you become a leader you will feel exactly the same way as you did before, but those around you will begin to see you differently. One of the things that you need to know is that your words and actions have more power than you realize. People will watch you and take their cues from you, simply because you are in a leadership role. They will believe that you have more information about what is going on in the…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 02/03/17

Every week I find articles, quotes, etc that I save and share on Facebook or re-tweet on Twitter about leadership.  I also have a theme day in my Facebook Group for leaders called Fantastic Resource Friday.  I thought it would be helpful to share these articles, links to Ted Talks, Quotes and my Creating Leadership Connections blogs with you each week in an easy to read summary format. Each Friday, I will create this summary including the links and a…
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Quick ways to get the word out

When there is a lot going on, communication is one of the things that may slip through the cracks. You have meetings all day long and sharing the updates you learned may slip your mind. This is why email has become such a major form of communication. No one has time to talk to each other, so they send out a quick email and now they feel that they have communicated. What if the person didn’t read it? What if…
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Are you sending the right messages?

Communication is generally thought of as the words that are said to another person. In reality, there is another type that is used much more often called non-verbal communication. Albert Mehrabian did a study of verbal vs non-verbal communication in 1960. His work showed that non-verbal communication is broken up into two types and is shown to drive 93% of the messages that people receive when you are communicating. I was surprised to see that the percentage was so high,…
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Are you ready to improve your communication?

How many times have you had a conversation with someone and you walked away feeling like everything was understood?   Then you find out later, that you and the other person came away with two completely different understandings.  It seems so impossible, but it happens every single day.  This recently happened to me.  I had to re-analyze the conversation to figure out what may have caused this misunderstanding.   Think about the number of conversations that you are having every single day…
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