
What Are The Benefits Of Visibility For You?

There are many benefits that you will gain by being more visible. I will share a few to help you see why visibility is important.  First, this may seem basic, but people will know who you are. This is especially important in larger organizations where there are many team members that are not known to senior management. They are known to their team members and manager, but that is it. When it comes time for succession planning, if you are…
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What If You Took The Lead To Be Visible?

Sue Barber visible

Think about a meeting you have been in with a large group of people. A question came up for you, but you hesitated to ask it. What happened in that moment? For some, they may assume that everyone else probably knows the answer and they are embarrassed to ask, so they keep quiet. For others, it may mean that they don’t want to stand out by asking the question, so they don’t say anything and choose to ask someone else later.  In both of these…
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Is Being Visible Important To You?


There are two ways of thinking about being visible in the workplace. One is that “I work really hard and my management knows that I do a good job so I don’t need any more visibility.” The other is that “I work hard and do a good job, but I also recognize that getting in front of my management is important to my success.” I was someone who believed in the first example above. Being visible felt like “playing politics” and I…
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It’s Time to be Strong, Focus on Visibility, and Choose Yourself!

I recently participated in an online class that was focused on people getting more visibility in their lives. What was amazing to me was how many women joined this group very quickly. I wasn’t the only one seeking out options to be visible in a more meaningful way. Why is being visible such a challenge for women in general and more specifically for women in leadership? This issue of self-promotion or being visible impacts women and their ability to get…
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How Can I Be Intentional About Networking?

Yesterday’s post was about visibility and being able to promote yourself.   One of the ways of doing that is through networking and connecting with others.  The word networking can sometimes bring up anxiety for people who are more introverted.  Walking into a room of people that they don’t know and having a conversation with any of them sounds worse than having a root canal.   Having a plan and knowing what to say may help to eliminate some of that anxiety….
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 3/6/17

Monday Morning Leadership

  ​Today’s Question:   “My manager told me that I need to be more visible in our organization.  I don’t like to brag about myself, so how do I change that perception?” In your mind, you are doing your job every day and your manager knows what you are doing, so why do you need more visibility?   Unfortunately, you may be doing great things, but not everyone else in the organization knows about them.  Being visible means that your leadership is…
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