What Do You Need To Consider When Building Your Team?

​Have you ever met someone and it feels like you have an instant connection with them?  You may have similar values, likes, dislikes or personalities that makes you feel that way. It is natural to be drawn to people who are similar to us.  When you look at your team in comparison to you, do you see more similarities or differences?   Imagine if you had a team of people that were just like you….everyone agrees all the time, works the same way and everyone says yes to anything that you want to do.   It would definitely make things easier, but would it actually make them better?

Collaborating with people who have diverse experiences allows you to have a broader perspective as a team.   Each individual brings different ways of thinking and skills to the team.  It is fascinating (and sometimes frustrating) to work with people who are vastly different from you.  Their way of doing things can be so different that it creates frustration.   How they make decision or get things done may take a different path than you , but you will most likely end up with a similar outcome.   Being able to appreciate the similarities and the differences will make the team stronger and allow them to learn from each other.

Although disagreements may happen, it teaches the team the importance of having a healthy debate and in the end still coming together with a decision. Some members of the team may be more creative and can think out of the box to generate new ideas that no one else would have even considered.  Others are better at financials, strategy or are more technical.   As discussed in yesterday’s post, you need to focus on creating a team that plays to everyone’s strengths.  When you think about your team, what are all the skills that you need to create a high performing team?  A leader who is self-aware knows what they are good at and where they need help from someone else.  Building a team with complementary skillsets will make you a stronger leader and create a resilient team that accomplishes great things together.

​Are you trying to build a team that plays to everyone’s strengths?   Coaching with me can help you focus your efforts to make this happen much faster.  Set up time with me to get started!  http://susanmbarber.com/schedule-an-appointment/

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