Are You Limiting Yourself?

What are the beliefs that you have about yourself?  Are they confident beliefs that push you outside of your comfort zone or do you have limiting beliefs that hold you back.  These limitations can prevent you from moving forward in your life if you let them. Self-limiting beliefs are those things that you have been telling yourself for years.  The story in your head says” I am not good enough.” or “I could get to the next level if I…
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Monday Morning Lead Q&A – 9/18/17

Client Question: “I really want to start my own business, but I am uncomfortable walking away from a steady paycheck.”  The world of how we do work is definitely changing.  People used to find a good company to work for and stay there until they retired.  It is now far more common for people to move around every 2-5 years.  Owning your own business is another option.  Many people just want to be their own boss, so they are now pursuing entrepreneurship…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 9/15/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!    This week’s summary includes: everyone should see themselves as a leader, what is your story, give yourself permission to be happy, the 4 hour workday, mindsets for long term success, adding value, a simple tool for motivation, don’t let fear keep you on the sidelines, transitioning successfully   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: Why Everyone Should See Themselves as A Leader  via @LollyDaskal Many people believe that leadership comes only with a formal role or…
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Transition Your Way to Success

Transitions have become a way of life. There are so many examples: getting married, raising kids, taking care of their parents who are getting older, starting a new job, changing companies and retiring. In some ways it can be stressful, but it can also be a new beginning. Everyone has the opportunity to look at these changes through a positive lens and to see what good things can come out of it. I know it is natural to sometimes drift…
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Are You Sitting on the Sidelines?

Do you ever hear about something and it keeps showing up in conversations or in the things that you read?  I take those as signs that I am supposed to share that information in my blog.  Today that topic is focus.  In the world we are in right now there are more distractions than ever.  How can you get things done when there is so much going on around you?   I read an interesting interview on focus that is giving…
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It’s Time to Countdown to Success

Multiple people recommended a book to me titled “The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work and Confidence with Everyday Courage” by Mel Robbins. I have been listening to it on Audible and the author who narrates the book shares how she came up with this tool to change her life. The premise is fairly simple. She counts backwards 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then she takes action. She has used it for the past seven years to create change in…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 9/11/17

  Client Question:  “I received feedback that I need to add more value in meetings that I attend.” As they say feedback is a “gift.”  You can choose to take the gift or return it.  First of all, do you believe that the message that they are sending you is true?  If you choose to believe that the person delivering the message cares about your development and wants you to do well, then you have to at least consider it.   Do…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 9/8/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: overcoming fears, signs you are doing better than you think, taking a stand, motivational quotes, sabotaging your success, finding fulfillment, be a mentor, appreciating others, goals & strategies can be fun   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: 3 Fears You Need to Overcome to Be Successful by Rahul Nair  Why is it that we do not want to get out of our comfort zone and reach out to greatness?  …
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Let’s make goals and strategies more fun!

I have been focusing on strategies and goals this week for my clients and for myself. Reflecting on what is being done currently and what the new outcome will be is pretty energizing. As I was thinking about this topic, I came across this article by Sara Caputo called: September is the new January. This article sums it up nicely. We don’t need to wait until January to make changes. We can use the “back to school” timeframe that we all…
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Have You Appreciated Someone Today?

“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than is expected. ” I have seen this in action on any of the projects or teams that I have led. It doesn’t take that long to ask someone how things are going and thank them for something that they may have done for you or someone else. I have had multiple managers and mentors who have actually taken the time to write out a note by hand to me. Those…
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