Do You Want to Make a Difference? Be a Mentor.

I am sure you have heard the old saying “Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.” I see this with my children every day. For example: teaching them how to make their favorite meals, how to do laundry, managing money and making their own doctor appointments. I want them to learn some independence and be ready to do some of these things on their own. Parents…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 9/4/17

  Client Question: “Someone asked me if I am fulfilled in my job.  I am not sure how to answer this question.   Can you help me to understand this for myself?” It is pretty easy to be able to explain what you do to people, but why you do it requires more reflection.  It takes more effort to delve deep and understand your motivation.  Knowing your “why” is what helps you share the reasons you do what you do and…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 9/1/17

​Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: delegation for development, eliminate confidence killers, difference between self-esteem and confidence, start living by design, not default, what makes something a success, learning from failure, stepping up to lead, stop asking for permission   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: “Purposeful Delegation – A Key to Staff Development” Purposeful Delegation – A Key to Staff Development by @JoeIarocci It’s the best way to develop your people Successful people find a way to achieve even when…
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How Can You Be More Effective? Stop Asking For Permission!

​Think back to when you were in school.  You had to raise your hand to ask permission when you wanted to ask a question or to leave the classroom.  Sometimes in public forums, the same etiquette holds true.  Your teachers and parents would call this being polite.  It becomes ingrained in you and sometimes those habits may be difficult to break. Fast forward to joining the workplace and the way it works is quite different.  Your boss doesn’t want to…
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Lead From Wherever You Are to Help Others In Need

​Leadership shows up every single day if you just look around.  Not everyone will have the title of leader, but they are leading.  It is demonstrated most when people step up to lead when no one else does.  Some people just naturally do it because that is who they are at their core.  Others do it because it is the right thing to do. Watching the hurricane and historic flooding that is happening in Houston shows everyday people who are…
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Can You See Failure in a Positive Way?

​Being able to see an implementation as a success, even if it has a few issues was what I shared in yesterday’s post.  In some cases though, there are things that would be judged as a failure by you or by others.  When you have a situation that is perceived that way, it may feel as if it will have a permanent impact on you and your career.  That doesn’t have to be the case.  Things are going to go wrong…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 8/28/17

  Client Question:   “My project was implemented, but we have a few issues that we need to address.  I feel like it isn’t being perceived as a success.” Although there is a ton of planning that goes into launching a new product, system or project, there are still some things that could go wrong.  You do what you can to proactively prepare for those things, but you may not be able to prevent all issues from occurring. Big implementations have…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 8/25/17

​ Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: do you have an internal imposter, having difficult conversations, fears, self-awareness, being an empathetic leader, remote leadership, dealing with ambiguity, make time for solitude, habits for success   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: Do you let your internal imposter take center stage? @lollyDaskal How many times in your leadership have you wanted to move to the next level but heard something inside saying, “No, you’re not ready”? Three Tips for Having…
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Are You Having the Success You Want Right Now?

​Are you moving forward on the things that you want to accomplish each day or are you just trying to get through the day?   If you are in a role that doesn’t engage or inspire you, then you are probably “just phoning it in” or said another way doing the very minimum.   What if you approached your current role in a different way instead? Sometimes we get stuck seeing things in a certain way.  We tell ourselves a story that says…
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What Would You Do With a Little Solitude?

I have coached people to really understand what type of leader that they want to be.  How do they want others to see them?  Why is this is so important?  There will be times when your courage, ethics and integrity will all be tested.  Knowing who you are makes that really easy to address those challenges head on.  This is not as easy to face when you are a leader who is not true to themselves, then there is the…
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