What Did You Want to be When You Grew Up?

​I remember when I was little… I thought that I want to work at a place like my Mom does when I grow up (She worked for General Foods and had a whole room of all the toys that went into the cereal boxes…heaven for little children!)   This was in the days before the internet, so you didn’t have the access to information like people do today.  Most people looked to a family member to see what they did or they may have…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 8/7/17

  Client Question:  “I really want to start a new career, but I feel like I am too old .  Is it too late for me to do this now?” That is a big fat NO!  It is never too late to do something new if that is what you want.  I am a prime example of someone who took on a new career later in life and I know so many others who are doing the same thing.   It…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 8/4/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: becoming an amazing speaker, overcoming fear, don’t apologize, leading from courage, overcoming doubters, creating a cohesive team, getting motivate, proactively drive change, be a leader worth following, how to find the best work culture for you   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:   30 Must Have Skills You Need To Be An Amazing Speaker @LollyDaskal via http://bit.ly/20QZX89  Public speakers and business leaders must have these 30 essential skills. How many of…
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How Important is a Good Culture Fit at Work?

​When I first came out of college and started looking for my first job, it was pretty stressful.  I was trying to figure out if I could really get a job with the degree that I had, would it pay enough, and would I like it?   I needed experience and a friend helped me get in the door at a smaller company she was working at in downtown Chicago. My commute was really long and I learned a big lesson on the importance of working…
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Do You Have People Actually Following You?

​No, I am not talking about the followers on your social media accounts. I was reading this blog called Become the Leader Worth Following by Lollie Daskal. She highlights what a leader who is worth following demonstrates to their team. Here is a list of the eight ways that are identified in her article: Leads with ethics Leads by example Leads with fairness Leads with humility Brings out the best in others Kindles within others a desire to excel simply…
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Are You Ready to Sit at the Table and Make a Difference?

​My former manager posted a quote today in my Facebook Group that said “Be at the table impacting change, before change impacts you.” Such a simple quote, but it says so much. I am not sure that everyone thinks about change in such a proactive way. This is especially challenging for those who are more fearful of change. They would most likely sit back and wait to see what will happen before doing anything. What if you tried a different…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 7/31/17

  Client Question:  “I am struggling to find any motivation right now.  How can I get myself back on track? Having a lack of motivation is something that everyone goes through every once in a while.    This can happen when you are under a lot of stress, overwhelmed or have a task that you just don’t want to do.   What can you do to move forward? When you are under stress, the best thing you can do is to find…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 7/28/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      ****CHECK OUT THE OFFER BELOW – Ends on July 31st! This week’s summary includes: empathetic leaders are the best, maintaining your motivation, what do most leaders miss, eliminating unconscious bias, stop self-doubt, team leadership is a leader’s responsibility, are you ready for a bigger role, are you ready to share your story, how can assessments help you build teams and sell your ideas?    Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: Why The Empathetic Leader Is the…
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Want To Be More Effective at Selling Your Ideas?

Yesterday’s post was focused on using assessments as a team and working together in a more productive way.   My friend Mona reminded me of the other ways that using these assessments can be helpful.  I will share a few of them: It is beneficial to know what the type is of an individual or members of the group prior to presenting to them.  You could most likely guess by how they act or speak about things.  But let’s just assume…
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Do You Know What Your Leadership Type Is?

  I was talking with someone yesterday about some of the assessments that I have been doing.  He was sharing his background and experiences with them as well.  Periodically, he would tell me whether he was a high or a low on some of the scales for that assessment.   Based on our conversation he was able to surmise where some of my scores fell on the scale as well.   We will be working together a lot and it is a…
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