Are You Ready to Stand Up and Make a Choice?

My sister and I took all 6 of our kids to the beach for a vacation this week.  Between the two of us we have 3 boys and 3 girls ranging in age from 6 to 19 years old.  For the most part things have gone pretty well so far.  Just a few minor mishaps that have been inconvenient, but nothing that couldn’t be solved.   Have you had a few unexpected things happen to you and it seemed like things…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 6/12/17

Monday Morning Leadership

Client Question:  “I have been asked to put together an organizational strategy for my group.  Where do I start?” This may feel like an overwhelming assignment if you haven’t done it before.   Your organization may have a specific format that they use, so ask some of your peers for examples. Here are some of the main things that I have seen included in strategies: Executive Summary – Explains the reason that the new strategy is needed and what you are…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 6/9/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes:  New behaviors to bring new results, boosting your creativity, failure can help your listening, ways leaders become great, motivational quotes, habits of resilient people, changing roles, improving confidence, illuminating new trends, being open to seeing things differently   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes 8 Habits of Happy, Healthy, and Successful People By Benjamin P. Hardy Simple behaviors that are committed to over time can yield enormous results   Boost Your Creativity…
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Are You Ready to Change How You See the World?

Have you had someone present a new idea or a change that they want to make to you? Before they even finish, are you ready to tell them why it won’t work?  We all use our experience and our beliefs as a filter of judgment to things that are new.  Do they fit into what we believe or not?  What if you suspended your judgment and looked at things with a completely open mind instead?  What if you assumed that…
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What Kind of Trend Will You Lead?

This is the second of a two part blog from Guest Contributor, Mona Reiser.   You can read the first one in the link below: In a previous blog, I mentioned that I would return with a follow-up on an Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC) article on Matt Arnett’s “A Curated Life” article.  The second sentence that was “business/leadership attributable” was the following:  “I’d prefer to illuminate trends rather than follow them.” The above article was published in the Sunday Living Section…
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What Actions Will You Take to Improve Your Confidence?

​When it comes to confidence, you have probably heard the phrase “fake it until you make it.” For some people that will work, but not for everyone. Confidence is a hard thing to shift. You may appear confident, but inside you may be feeling like an impostor and that you don’t have all the skills or capabilities that you need. The irony here is that you do have them, but your fear is trying to protect you from failing or…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 6/5/17

Monday Morning Leadership

Client Question: “I am interested in moving to a different area of my organization. What are some steps that I should do to make this happen? The first step is to connect with some of the people who already work in that area. This is more of a knowledge exchange to find out about the area and share information about yourself. You can say that you are exploring multiple areas of the company to learn more about them. • Identify…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 6/2/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes:  the power of your purpose, using open ended questions, holding people accountable, getting a raise, managerial courage, thinking outside the box to create new possibilities, using 4 simple questions to reflect on your day, improving your connector skills   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes Ground Yourself in the Power Of Your Purpose @LollyDaskal  When it comes to living your purpose and leading with meaning, commitment and effectiveness are your foundation….
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How Can You Improve Your Ability to Be a Connector?

One of my favorite topics is the importance of connecting. Here is a post on that topic from Guest Contributor Mona Reiser: In reading an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on Matt Arnett “A Curated Life” there were two sentences that resonated with me and were easily “business/leadership attributable.” “Matt maintains friendships with many influential people in Atlanta, many of whom refer to him as a “maven”, an “influencer”, a “connector”. For the reading of this blog, let’s focus…
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Are You Taking the Time to Look at Your Day?

Do you find that your days, weeks and months are running together so much that you barely can keep up? I used to compare it to being on a merry-go-round that never seemed to stop. With this pace, it becomes a challenge to make sure that you are focusing on the right things. Some people like to take time before leaving work or before they go to bed to plan out their next day. If it becomes too long of…
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