
Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 8/28/17

  Client Question:   “My project was implemented, but we have a few issues that we need to address.  I feel like it isn’t being perceived as a success.” Although there is a ton of planning that goes into launching a new product, system or project, there are still some things that could go wrong.  You do what you can to proactively prepare for those things, but you may not be able to prevent all issues from occurring. Big implementations have…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 8/25/17

​ Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: do you have an internal imposter, having difficult conversations, fears, self-awareness, being an empathetic leader, remote leadership, dealing with ambiguity, make time for solitude, habits for success   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: Do you let your internal imposter take center stage? @lollyDaskal How many times in your leadership have you wanted to move to the next level but heard something inside saying, “No, you’re not ready”? Three Tips for Having…
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Are You Having the Success You Want Right Now?

​Are you moving forward on the things that you want to accomplish each day or are you just trying to get through the day?   If you are in a role that doesn’t engage or inspire you, then you are probably “just phoning it in” or said another way doing the very minimum.   What if you approached your current role in a different way instead? Sometimes we get stuck seeing things in a certain way.  We tell ourselves a story that says…
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What Would You Do With a Little Solitude?

I have coached people to really understand what type of leader that they want to be.  How do they want others to see them?  Why is this is so important?  There will be times when your courage, ethics and integrity will all be tested.  Knowing who you are makes that really easy to address those challenges head on.  This is not as easy to face when you are a leader who is not true to themselves, then there is the…
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Do You Handle Ambiguity in the Best Way?

​Have you been asked to make a big decision without all of the facts?  Unfortunately, we have all been there at one time or another.  At the speed of life and business now, you can’t always wait until you know everything.  So what can you do to get to an answer? Start by looking at the facts that you have and what else do you need to know to be able to move forward to get to an answer? What…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 8/21/17

  Client Question: “My new role has remote employees in multiple locations.  What do I need to do to make sure I am leading them as if they were here locally with me?” Meeting them in person is the ideal first step.  If that isn’t possible due to financial concerns, then the most important element of managing people remotely is communication.   This is a bit easier to accomplish with the technology capabilities that we have now, but it needs to…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 8/18/17

  Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: Failing forward, how to help others deal with change, being a good learner to improve leadership, leading in uncertain times, best leaders are the best coaches, do you need to make a change on your team, helping your team connect with you, are you encouraging risk, approaches to having difficult conversations   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:   Did you ever fail forward?  via @MarcellaBremer Failing forward implies moving…
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Do You Have A Conversation That You Are Avoiding?

Why do some people avoid conflict while others seem to thrive on it? Does it have to do with their personality style and/or confidence level? Maybe it is a little of both. People who want to be liked and not cause friction with other people tend to avoid saying the thing that is bothering them the most. Trying to keep yourself safe and delaying whatever needs to be said as long as possible is about fear and holding you back…
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Are You Ready to Run With the Bulls?

Today’s article is by guest contributor Mona Reiser and also includes a few of my own thoughts. Once again she has such a gift for seeing leadership in so many different places. Do you remember hearing “Don’t touch, it’s hot!” when you were younger? It usually happened right before you touched the stove, hot food or a hot drink. Once you grew up, you probably said that same thing to young children trying to do something similar. How often have…
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How Can People Get to Know You?

Think back to the last time that you got a new boss.  You needed to learn what their style is, what they like or don’t like, how they work, how to communicate with them, etc.   Now flip the coin and think about the people who will be working with you when you join a team.  How do you let them know this information so they understand how to work with you? There are various ways to do this effectively.  I…
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