
3 Keys to Success in a New Role

You just started working in a new role or at a new company.  You are excited about the possibilities of your new role and meeting new people.   Based on your experience you can see a lot of opportunities that need to be addressed.   Where do you begin?   Here are three steps to take in order to set yourself up for success. Listen, Observe and Ask Questions. Meet with your staff, key stakeholders, and management to understand the current state of…
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6 Leadership Lessons for a New Leader

I remember when I first became a leader of a team.  I went to a training class for three days to learn how to be a leader.  I learned a lot of things at that first session, but I didn’t have a whole lot of real life experience to apply at that point.   However, I took those lessons to heart and began to lead my first team.  Even though I tried really hard, I made many mistakes along the way.  …
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How can I build confidence to do more self-promotion?

It is great to be humble and modest, but there comes a time that you need to self-promote. Remember that you were hired for a reason. You have knowledge that others do not have and details that could make a difference in decisions that your management needs to know. Just start by interjecting a comment about what you are working on in a meeting, asking a question that shows you have thought about the conversation or sending a status report…
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Heard of the Bullet Journal? Try it, it will change your life!

Over the last few months I have been trying out a bullet journal to plan my business and my life.   I had originally looked at this about a year ago on, but I never pursued using it.   In June of this year, I somehow ran across an article talking about a woman using a bullet journal in a pretty creative way.  I remembered that I had looked at it before, so I checked out her you tube videos.   Her…
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Let’s just let this perfection thing go….

I came across an article by Amanda Johnson called “The Common Misconceptions of Perfectionism.”  I totally agree with the myths of perfectionism that are highlighted in this article.   Why do we feel that we aren’t already perfect?  Why do we think that things have to be done in a certain way? I used to try to be “superwoman” by working a lot of hours, trying to do everything at home and getting very little sleep.  I was actually proud of…
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Listen to Bob Newhart. Just Stop It!

There are so many people with so much anxiety in their lives. Some of it is their career or job that they chose and it may not be what they expected. Some of it may come in their personal lives by trying to keep up with everyone else, issues in their relationships or financial struggles. I even see it from kids in high school and college. They feel that they have to get the best grades, go to the best…
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Do you want to be the Secretary of State?

I just watched the season premiere of Madam Secretary tonight. It is absolutely one of my favorite shows! I love the character of Elizabeth McCord who is the Secretary of State of the United States played by the actress Tea Leoni. She has a tough job to do as she is navigating the politics that surrounds her, managing up (imagine if the President was your boss?), staying connected with what is going on, having a good staff that she had…
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Are you one of the many leaders who has had an accidental career?

When you think about your career, have you planned it all out or has it been mostly accidental?  When you are asked to take on a new role, do you consider whether the role is a good fit for you or do you just agree to take it? Many people just take it.  Why is that?  Maybe you are flattered that someone picked you for the role, you are ready for a change, you are happy to learn something new or you…
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8 Simple Ways to Make a Big Impact for Another Person

I have seen many occasions where people don’t always support each other in the workplace.  Why don’t we assume the best about each other?   There is already enough negativity in the world, let’s not add to it.  Helen Keller said “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”  Imagine what we could accomplish if we all worked together and supported each other? There are so many people who have helped to mentor and support me in…
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What do you do when you get stuck?

One of my favorite quotes is “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” by Zig Ziglar. Have you ever struggled to get started on something that was new to you or you held yourself back because it was out of your comfort zone? What causes this hesitation? Is it fear, a lack of confidence, the fear of failure, the concern about what others may think or just the uncertainty of not…
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