How Can Your Interactions Make a Difference Today?

​Yesterday I had a call with someone that I used to work with, but haven’t talked to in many years.  We shared a few messages on LinkedIn every once in awhile, but that was about the extent of our chats before yesterday.  He wanted to congratulate me on what I was doing and let me know that I was doing some great things that would help a lot of people.   He also wanted to see if I would be interested…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 6/26/17

Monday Morning Leadership

Client Question: “I recently took over a new team, but we don’t seem to be connecting with each other very well. What can I do to make that happen?” Building the connections with a new team as soon as possible is very important. They want to know who you are, what your expectations are and that they can trust you. In my experience, having a “get to know each other” meeting early on sets up a good foundation. Sharing information…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 6/23/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary! This week’s summary includes: ways to be a respected leader, signs that you are doing better than you think, self-aware leaders, optimizing your communication, stop being a boss and be a leader, being a leader not a doer, don’t focus only on results, know who you are as a leader, building a strong executive team Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes 6 Key Ways to Become a Highly Respected Leader By Andy Margison Master these skills…
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What Do You Need to Make an Executive Team Successful?

Over my career I have seen both effective and ineffective executive teams.  Working for an effective leadership team ensures that things run more smoothly in the organization, communication is clear and decisions get made pretty quickly.   The ineffective teams can cause major issues in productivity, lack of trust, slow decision making, confusion and poor morale.  These type of issues at an executive level are magnified and the ripple effects are felt across the organization. Part of the challenge of an…
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Are You The Leader That You Want To Be?

One of the things that is a challenge as a leader is to be authentic to who you are. Without realizing it, you may become what others want you to be. It isn’t something that you may even recognize right away. You begin conforming into what is expected based on feedback from your management or peers. If you are moving towards the person that you want to be then that is okay. But if it is conflicting with your values…
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Do You Need to Choose Results Over Engagement?

  One of my coach friends posted this article How Managers Drive Results and Employee Engagement at the Same Time in her Facebook Group.  The authors Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman looked at the results of 360 assessments for 60,000 leaders.  The article highlights the top 6 skills of leaders who were good at managing both results and engagement successfully: Communicates Clear Strategy and Direction Inspires and Motivates Establishes Stretch Goals Has High Integrity and Inspires Trust Develops Others Is…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 6/19/17

Monday Morning Leadership

  Client Question: “I have been a leader of a team for about 6 months.  I feel like I am doing okay at it, but I know I am still acting like a doer instead of a leader.  What should I be doing differently?” You are not alone in struggling with this transition.  It happened to me and to many others who have taken the leadership path.  You jump right in and start doing things just like you always have. …
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 6/16/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes:  earning credibility, inspirational quotes, chasing your vision, best leaders are great coaches, putting together an organizational strategy, making choices in your life, are you creating memories, can you create your best day today?   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes 10 Powerful Ways You Can Earn #Credibility in Your Industry @LollyDaskal  Credibility is your best currency, with it you are solvent without you are bankrupt.   25 Inspirational Quotes By The…
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Create Your Best Day Today

Just a short post this morning – I got up early this morning to catch the beautiful sunrise.  Seeing the waves roll in from the ocean over the sand was such a breathtaking view to have.   It definitely clears your head and gives you a chance to just enjoy the beauty of it all.   I can see why there is a whole group of people who love getting up in the morning to get their day started early.   Maybe if…
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Are You Ready to Create Some New Memories?

It was a cloudy day today in Florida, but still pretty warm here. There is a Cold Stream Creamery next door to where we are staying, so the kids decided to go get some ice cream. My 8 year old niece’s face lit up with so much excitement as she put on her sandals and grabbed her purse. Already a born leader at such a young age, she was getting the others organized to get going so they could get…
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