
Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 5/8/17

Monday Morning Leadership

Client Question: “Is it possible for me to achieve Work-Life Balance?   This question has been a huge debate for quite a while now.  I have seen it called Work-Life Balance and Work-Life Integration.   Whatever you want to call it, the answer is that it is a challenge.  Technology has given people the ability to work anywhere now and many employers have the expectation that you will do that.  Even the people that you work with will email you and…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 5/5/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes:  building influence, building relationships, connecting with remote workers, building self-esteem, achieving extraordinary success, what is influence, how can you build relationships with influencers, how can you build your influencing skills and preparing for your own influencing conversations.   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes     How to Build Influence and Land That Leadership Role by Gordon Tredgold Leadership is all about influence, the more influence we have, the better the leader we…
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Are You Prepared for Your Influencing Conversation?

​You are getting ready to have your first conversation where you are the influencer.   Do you have it planned out?  Have you considered what you will say?  Preparing for these types of conversations will go a long way to improving your credibility and ensure a larger chance for success. Here are 5 things to think about when planning your next influencing conversation and some questions to help you prepare: What is your outcome? What do you want to accomplish during this…
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Do You Know How to Improve Your Influencing Skills?

Being an influencer is not only for those who are in management.  This is a skill that can be used at any level in the organization.  It is something that you can practice and build upon as you progress in your career.  In this article by Jayson DeMers called 7 Ways to Build Influence in the Workplace he details 7 strategies to building this skill for yourself. Build trust with co-workers – It is just common sense.  If you want…
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How Can You Gain the Support of an Influencer?

My advice to those joining a new team has always been to be an observer during the first few weeks. You want to listen, learn the new content, meet the team members, peers, clients and management of your new group. You also need to pay attention to the roles that people play on the team and the style of leadership that they display in and out of meetings. You will begin to see the dynamics of the team and the…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 5/1/17

Monday Morning Leadership

  Client Question:  “I received feedback that I need to use more influence with senior management.  How do I do that?” Being an influencer means that you have the power to affect the decisions of others.  The influencer may have real or just perceived authority, knowledge, position, or relationship.  Influencers will generally get things done by bringing people over to their way of thinking.  They don’t have the direct authority, but they have the perceived authority that helps them win…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 4/28/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes:  creating a personal breakthrough, assume positive intent in others, the power of networking, keys to success, ways to restore your confidence, managing organizational change from three perspectives: the impacted employee, the leader of the team and the organization itself   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes   What You Must Do To Create A Personal Breakthrough by Tim Denning  A breakthrough is something that changes the course of your life going…
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Are you prepared to act on this advice? by Mona Reiser

​Yesterday’s post was focused on major changes in the organization.  My friend and former manager, Mona Reiser, sent me her feedback on the post.  As you will see she is someone who has been through these changes multiple times.  With her permission, I am sharing her insights and advice with all of you who may encounter these type of changes. Here is Mona’s feedback on organizational change: Reading this article brought forth many emotional and intellectual reactions.  Having to effect 10+…
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Monday Morning Leadership Q&A – 4/24/17

Monday Morning Leadership

Today’s Client Question: “My company is going to go through a major acquisition. I don’t know if my job will be impacted at this point. How do I move past my fear of this change?” Change is something that everyone deals with at one time or another. There are minor things that happen and you can generally get through those changes with no issue. When something major happens at your job though, it can completely unsettle you and cause you…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 4/21/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes:  do you have blind spots, making employee engagement simple, leadership drives company culture, shifting to the mindset of a leader, are you creating more leaders or followers, focus on your vision, do you have tolerations that you are putting up with in your life, reviewing the types of tolerations: physical space, financial, relationships and wellness.   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes How to Watch Out for Blind Spots in Your Leadership…
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