
Don’t worry, it isn’t too late!

When I first started working, people found a good company, did a good job and stayed there for many years.   Most of the people that I knew did the same thing.  Things have changed a lot since that time.  Someone staying at one company is more of the exception now than the rule.  Today people change jobs a lot more frequently and that has become the norm.  Many people like myself are on their second career phase.  Doing something that…
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Haven’t You Heard There Is Power in Numbers?

I am in a training class this week so the posts will be a little shorter but still full of good stuff! My discussions this week with friends have reminded me of the importance of connections and community.   Are you leveraging the connections that you have in the best way?  You already have a relationship with these people and what better way to get the help you need than to reach out for support to your community.  In my experience,…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 7/7/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: How to stop saying yes, ways to bring out the best in others, building company confidence in a first time leader, how to be a future leader, getting everything done, 4th of July, know your worth, are you ready to reconnect?   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes:   How to Stop Saying Yes When You Want to Say No @LollyDaskal  Here are 17 smart ways to say no when you need…
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Are You Going to Be the Person to Make It Happen?

​I am really grateful that there are so many ways to stay in touch with people electronically using LinkedIn, Facebook, Text and Email. Snapchat is also another way (and sometimes the only way) to connect with the millennials in your life. I am by no means an expert on that one, but it is a great way to connect to them. All of these electronic options have definitely helped me and many others stay connected when we left our jobs…
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Do You Know Your Worth?

​I was reading Think Strategically About Your Career Development by Dorie Clark the other day.  All of her tips are really good, but the last one in her article got me thinking about external reputations.  She discusses the importance of developing an external reputation.  I wholeheartedly agree and have shared this same thinking with many people that I have mentored and coached over the years.  It does take some time to develop this, but it is so important.  You can join a professional organization,…
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Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July for all of those in the US today! I went to see the Hamilton play not that long ago. It really brings home what it took for us to create our independence. Creating our government and things like our banking system, etc that did not exist before. It made me realize how much I had forgotten from all of those history classes! Such courage and bravery to create the democracy that America is built on. Many…
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Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary – 6/30/17

Welcome to the Fantastic Leadership Resource Summary!      This week’s summary includes: one on one meeting checklist, how do you learn, be a real leader and a great manager, what is your purpose, defining roles, connecting with a team, how are you interacting with others, generating creative ideas, getting yourself unstuck   Articles/Ted Talks/Quotes: The Only One On One Meeting Checklist You Will Ever Need One on One Meeting Checklist by David Hassell One on ones are the most high leverage…
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Are You Stuck and Unsure How to Move Forward?

​Do you have a situation that you are struggling with right now?  Do you know what you want to do, but you just can’t figure out how to move forward?  This happened to me about 5 years ago.   What I was trying just wasn’t working and I was getting frustrated.  I had been thinking about seeking out an executive coach at that time, but hadn’t found one that I really felt was the right one for me.   I attended a…
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Are You Ready to Be Creative?

​When a leader is looking for some new ideas they will usually bring the team together for a brainstorming session.  Depending on the leader, there are two outcomes that this session can have.  The first example is what the leader should avoid doing.  The leader says that they want new ideas, but they shoot them down right away.   Take a look at one of my favorite clips from the TV show “The Office” The Golden Ticket Episode.  Have you ever…
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How Can Your Interactions Make a Difference Today?

​Yesterday I had a call with someone that I used to work with, but haven’t talked to in many years.  We shared a few messages on LinkedIn every once in awhile, but that was about the extent of our chats before yesterday.  He wanted to congratulate me on what I was doing and let me know that I was doing some great things that would help a lot of people.   He also wanted to see if I would be interested…
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